
Making Spirits Bright: Your Guide to Giving Back

Making Spirits Bright: Your Guide to Giving Back

The holiday season is a busy and magical time, but there are many in our community who could use a helping hand. In the spirit of kindness, generosity, and fellowship, we researched lots of opportunities for your family to get involved with a good cause, volunteer your time and resources, and spread joy to those who need it most.

Samaritan’s Purse- Operation Christmas Child

The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations.

Every year since 1993, Samaritan’s Purse has collected shoebox gifts filled with toys, school supplies, and hygiene items for children around the world. Since 1993, more than 209 million children in more than 170 countries and territories have received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox. The project delivers not only the joy of what, for many kids, is their first gift ever, but also gives them a tangible expression of God’s love.

Collection week is early to mid November each year. Drop off locations are available in Bloomsburg, Berwick, Milton, Sunbury, & Lewisburg!

Toys for Tots- Local Drives

The mission of the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is to assist the U. S. Marine Corps in providing a tangible sign of hope to economically disadvantaged children at Christmas.

North Shore Railroad | Toys for Tots Drive
These cool, little cars- called NARCOA Speeders- will travel up our NSHR line – from Northumberland, through Danville and Bloomsburg, to Berwick, and return. Anyone is welcome to come alongside the railroad tracks to meet the speeder drivers and hand them a new, unwrapped toy for the drive.

Union County Industrial Railroad | Toys for Tots Drive
Join the NARCOA Speeders on the Union County Industrial Railroad!
Cars will travel the UCIR – from New Columbia, to Allenwood, then through Lewisburg to Winfield, and return. Anyone is welcome to meet the speeder drivers and hand them a new, unwrapped toy for the drive at the designated stops.

Donate to Toys for Tots at Journey Bank Locations

You can also donate toys at other times to your local Toys for Tots chapter

Wreaths Across America

Colleen Marion champions this event in Danville, and has over 1,000 wreaths ready to be laid on veteran’s graves. Part of the mission of this program is to teach children the value of freedom.

National Website
Theme for 2024: Live With Purpose
Contact Colleen Marian

Colleen’s Tips:

  • Parking will be available at the hospital (or elsewhere, just not at the graveyard)
  • Rain or Shine
  • Good idea to get there early
  • Once you have a wreath you will go up to a headstone with a flag (denoting veteran), say the person’s name and then a short thank you or prayer.

The Brighter Christmas Fund

The Brighter Christmas Fund was launched in 1985 by Press Enterprise Chairman Paul R. Eyerly III as a campaign focused on giving back to the local community. Since its conception, the paper’s readers donated more than $2 million to help families in need during the holiday season.

The Brighter Christmas Fund joined the Community Giving Foundation‘s family of funds in 2019, passing off administrative functions once based in the newspaper’s business office. Your gift helps provide charitable grants to nonprofit agencies to support those in need in our community during the holiday season. 

Sensory Santa Program: Hand in Hand Family Resource Center

“Founded in December of 2017 Hand in Hand Family Resource Center (a 501c3 non-profit) is dedicated to guide, empower, support and educate the caregivers and communities of individuals with health concerns and disabilities in order to increase inclusion and diversity in society. They are committed to serving the communities of Columbia, Montour and Lower Luzerne Counties.”

You can support their Sensory Santa programs, where children experience Santa on their terms in quiet setting.

Events happen each year in Berwick, Bloomsburg, Danville, & Benton.

Music Together of Bloomsburg: Nurse Family Partnership

Music Together of Bloomsburg has set up a Scholarship Fund to work locally with Nurse Family Partnership and offer classes to families who normally may not have the expendable income to attend. I believe everyone should have a joyful parenting experience and music can always help with that!

The partnership of Music Together of Bloomsburg and NFP will provide new moms with the positivity, confidence, and tools they need to not only assure a healthy start for their babies, but to envision a life of stability and opportunities for success for both mom and child. Any monetary amount is just fine!”

Kerry Kenny, Music Together of Bloomsburg

Bloomsburg Salvation Army Service Center

“We are specifically busy during the months of October-December when we are in need of volunteers for our Red Kettle and Angel Tree programs, but we can always use volunteers and businesses who are interested in giving their time at our smaller events throughout the year.”

Contact: Alicia Lindenmuth
Email or 570-387-4112


St. Columba Catholic Church (Bloomsburg)
Trinity Reformed UCC (Bloomsburg; send a private message on FB if interested
Walmart (Buckhorn)
Journey Bank (Multiple Branches)
St. Joseph Catholic Church (Danville)
Trinity Church (Danville)
Revival Tabernacle Church (Watsontown)

Youth in Philanthropy

Are you interested in having your high schooler learn about community giving and local nonprofits? Below is information about the amazing Youth in Philanthropy program!

Youth in Philanthropy is a philanthropic-oriented education program offered by the Community Giving Foundation. The purpose of the program is for youth to understand the meaning of philanthropy, learn about the local nonprofit world, and take part in the grantmaking process. Through this program, students are empowered to make a positive impact in their communities now and in the future.

Year-round Volunteer Opportunities

The Susquehanna Valley United Way has a plethora of volunteering and service opportunities listed on their website; check it out for lots of institutions and foundations that are looking for helping hands!

Other Organizations and Events We Love:

Good Samaritan (Danville): Donate gently used clothes or toys
Dwell Orphan Care (Bloomsburg): Donate items for children entering foster care in our area
Meals on Wheels (Bloomsburg): Have your child help you deliver meals
TreeFest (Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble): A fun event where they also hold a food and toy drive every year. They also collect food at their Food Preview performance for the holiday show!
AGAPE Love From Above to Our Community (Bloomsburg): year round programs to help our community via donations, drives, and more

Have a giving back opportunity that you would like to share?